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Great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn – the Star of Bethlehem

Great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn – the Star of Bethlehem

Saturn and Jupiter leading up to their 2020 conjunction

A rare conjunction of the two giant gas planets – Jupiter and Saturn – makes a bright “Christmas star” in the sky tomorrow on 21 December 2020.

If it’s not cloudy it should be visible before twilight until about 5:30pm looking towards South-South West.

It’s believed this could be the “Star of Bethlehem” said to have been seen all those years ago. It only happens every 400-800 years and was last seen in 1623.

Photos show it over my hometome tonight – if you look closely you can see the two planets as bright spots and even some of their moons.

On Monday, 21 December, these should be close enough to look like one big bright star.

Jupiter and Saturn approaching their closest approach on 20 December 2020.
Saturn, above, with Jupiter and four Moons below.

Some more info:

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